February 23, 2005


Let's talk about scars. I like scars and I think I'm going to rename my blog "Scar Face". What do people think about that? Do you like the whole "clear skin club" thing or the whole "scar face" thing?
translated for those with no ability -
Let's talk about scars. I think I'm going to rename my blog "Scar Face". What do people think about that? Do you like the whole "clear skin club" thing or the "scar face" thing?
I have kindly opened up the commenting to anyone, even those without a blog. So please take ahold of this opportunity and post, post, post.
And also tell me about the scars you have recieved throughout the years. Every one has at least ONE scar.
Ladies and Gentlemen I now leave your audience for more pressing matters


Blogger Aaron said...

i don't like any of your names.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

not so far, anyway.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Ben H said...

as if i grovvel at your feet

10:29 AM  
Blogger Ben H said...

i MEANT grovel

10:31 AM  
Blogger brilynne said...

umm...clearskinclub is not cool. I guess scarface is better, if you can get it.

I have a nice wittle scar on my foot from slicing it open on a piece of beach glass and getting eight stitches all when i was six or so and i had to wait in the emergency room for literally hours and then i watched them sew up my foot and wouldnt take a sticker cuz i was too proud.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Ben H said...

I know it aint cool. I swore to myself that I'd do the first title that I saw. Katherine was on a lotion sight at the time....

2:04 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

you never grovel, ben...
scar face would be good..are you scarfaced? sure you want to know about scars? painful memories...*shudder*

3:47 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

actually, scar stories are too interesting to pass up...i've about a million. how about just a couple? i have an almost symmetrical one on my knee, i flipped over my handle bars last april and crashed onto my hands and knees (kayla, aaron, bria, and ryan are my witnesses...sadly) and i also have perfectly round scars on both of my hands from the same fall. kayla says that it looks like i have been crucified...

and then theres one on my finger from closing a jack knife on it. i was so mad cause i couldn't get it shut so i did something really stupid and somehow shut it on me. fortunately, that wasn't recently.

(more bike accidents, rabbit scratches, blackberry thorn, pencil eraser holder with no eraser scar...another long story, etc. those are others i have, just none on my face, thankfully)

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have scars, but they're all for dumb reasons...like opening a catfood can...or into the oven without an oven mitt...or even reaching under the van seat to get the seatbelt! That one is nice and long and white, but alas, no riveting tale can I tell when curious friends inquire as to its origins. sigh....

11:37 AM  

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