January 23, 2014


May 19, 2005

New Blog

May 18, 2005

new name

I decided I'd just do "The Man In Black" for my blog name. Very boring but very simple. It has nothing to do with evil. Just with dirt and sealer and a word play on a movie name. go to it here: homeofthemaninblack

May 14, 2005

week of work and weirdness

Because I'm bored I will write a long post...

This week was one of the weirdest I've experienced working with my dad; and thats really saying something. On Monday we started a driveway for a huge condominium place in Rockport. It was cool to work just a few hundred feet from the ocean. We finished it on Tuesday and ate dinner with the Petersons. After eating we drove to Worcster where the Sealer distributors are established. Unfortunately it was like eleven when we arrived and the place was closed. Aint that weird? We stayed at a motel and got to sleep at like midnight. In the morning we got up at six thirty and filled our rig with sealer. Our next job was a commercial lot in Fall Rivers Mass. A fellow had called my dad telling him that his sealcoating rig had broken down and that he needed us to do this commercial job for him. It was a fair amount of money so my dad took it. It was a big parking lot for four large apartment buildings. My dad had told me that it was dirty. boy was it dirty. We moved over one hundred gallons of dirt off it. I know this because there was so much dirt that our big blower, which blows over 150 MPH, couldn't move it all. I ended up shoveling over fifty gallons.

I'm getting too wordy. I'll just write a few interesting things about the job...
At the end of the day Steve, the guy who got us to do the job, drove my dad to another lot for an estimate. I was left to pack up and get ready to leave. Fall Rivers is a city filled to brimming with emigrants and fatherless children on welfare. The apartments proved to be no exception. After school, like twenty kids watched us seal their parking lot. Then, when my dad left me, they all start asking me questions. Tons and tons of questions. Then this young teenage black girl starts insisting that I take her to the mall with my dad's truck. Then the kids keep ripping the caution take down and I create a band of brothers out of a few of the kids that are dubbed the caution tape storm troopers and they try to protect it from the other kids. Finally most of them leave except my wonderful band of brothers who I talk to while cleaning up.

It was sad to see all these kids with nothing to live for. The worst part is that I can see these young kids becoming drug addicts and worse in a few years.

One thirteen year old boy stayed around after the other kids left. He wanted to leave that place because of how dumpy and crazy it was. He was like the only sane one there. All the rest of the kids appeared to like it.

I could not believe how destructive most of them were. They would walk and ride bikes through our sealer. They ripped down caution tape and tore up our Cold patches that we labored over. I noticed five grocery carts taken from stores. Windows broken. Bikes broken. Tape ripped apart. Cement ruined by sealer traipsed on it. Litter Everywhere. God nowhere.

This is dull for you. Plain torture. And long and depressing for me because I have to think about Fall Rivers. So, I got back to our New York house at three, Saturday morning. The day before that my dad and I worked until eleven thirty at night and didn't get to sleep until one in the morning. Over all I've been raking in the dough and killing myself in the process.

I left lots of interesting things out (thank God, you say). But now I'm incredibly bored with posting too.

One last thing: Can anyone think of a good name change for my blog? I'm open to any suggestions. I've had this one far too long.

Too tired to perform spell check and correct grammatical errors.

The End

May 06, 2005

busy as all get out

I've been busy as all get out. Working on the ol' frontier of Sealcoating. But I still have some few weeks of school left. So I am happy because I will finish my goals. So, goodnight and may you sleep well.

April 29, 2005


Life is busy....

April 24, 2005


I'm alive today. YIPPEEE!!!