February 25, 2005

I'm done with blogs

I had my fun and all and now I'm done with my blog. It shall be deleted in a few day's. I thank those who commented. That's the only interesting part for the one doing the blog I fear.
So long.......may God bless ye and keep ye

February 23, 2005

Scars part two

uumm, yeah this whole scar thing is a real hit.
In fact a few days ago I walked into a door fram which split the skin above my eye quite nicely:) It could become a scar or heal completely. I think it would add some much needed character to my face if it became a scar, but I'm not going to worry about it much. Keep posting! Its really healthy to get your opinion out in the world.


Let's talk about scars. I like scars and I think I'm going to rename my blog "Scar Face". What do people think about that? Do you like the whole "clear skin club" thing or the whole "scar face" thing?
translated for those with no ability -
Let's talk about scars. I think I'm going to rename my blog "Scar Face". What do people think about that? Do you like the whole "clear skin club" thing or the "scar face" thing?
I have kindly opened up the commenting to anyone, even those without a blog. So please take ahold of this opportunity and post, post, post.
And also tell me about the scars you have recieved throughout the years. Every one has at least ONE scar.
Ladies and Gentlemen I now leave your audience for more pressing matters

February 22, 2005


Do people actually care what I do every day?! Well, leave me some posts so I can see whether I should share my life with....you all...

blog creation

this is my blog
it is boring
i go now